Commercial and Industrial Painting

The search for a painter for commercial and industrial projects can be a very serious undertaking. Not many people manage to do the job correctly or in a timely manner. Discovering a painter while making surveys can be time-consuming. And while it may be easy to get cosmetic fixes for a building, you still aspire to get it done right the first time.

Commercial and industrial painting may seem similar in theory as it basically requires a building to be painted, but both of these tasks may vary in goals and methods.

Whether you wish for an aesthetic change, constraining the rust on industrial equipment, adjusting the lighting conditions in a dark building, or are attempting to have proper water and industrial chemical endurance for the facility, Rhino Commercial Painting is the painting contractor for you. We have painted numerous buildings in an effort to meet the demands of our clients and their projects.


Commercial Painting and Industrial Painting

Commercial painting is employed in retail spaces where consumers will ultimately be present. In these commercial painting jobs, the paint should be long-lasting for the high business anticipated in the space.

Commercial painting can be assumed to be a larger-scale residential painting. The painter should spend time and care to manage each surface independently, while unneeded areas are covered for protection from spills or fallouts from the brushes and rollers. Any commercial painting will initiate your business's mood and tone for years to come, and Rhino Commercial Painting can serve you get that flawless look you wish for.

On the other hand, industrial painting is commonly thought of as preventative assurance. For the most part, industrial paint results are quality critical. The paint job should contain hazardous industrial chemicals that can attack the concrete or steel structure and leak into the ground. Anti-slip coatings stop dangerous falls, and fireproofing that is not administered properly could be a hazard. It is a place where the general public may not always be commonly seen, for the task may be painting warehouses and back storage rooms of the factories.

Requirements of Commercial and Industrial Painting

The job requires the best methods and materials, employing the latest technology in surface preparation and coatings. Painting contractors present businesses with wall-covering resolutions completed by the expert craftsmen.

Rhino Commercial Painting specializes in large, time-sensitive projects and has the equipment and workforce to accomplish each assignment. We pride ourselves on being able to satisfy various scheduling needs and operating within production plans.