Commercial Interior Painting Tips

Painting your business all by yourself is a tough job and the work done can never be compared to getting it painted by a professional. They have years of experience and know various tips and tricks to do the job better.

For the layman, it is all about buying a roller, paint brush and paint can to get the job done. But these professionals follow a different path that gives better results. The reason why we are not able to paint our walls with a smooth finish is because we miss all the important steps. A painter spends around three days on painting a room. These professionals follow a three step process:

  • Prep

  • Prime

  • Paint


Tip #1: Cover the Floor Edges with a Tape
Use blue painter’s tape and cover the floor edges with it while smoothing it with a putty knife. This will secure the tape closely to the edge and the paint will not bleed underneath the tape. Avoid using masking tape as it leaves a sticky residue behind, which is hard to scrape.

Tip #2: Lay Drop Cloths
A canvas sheet makes the best drop cloth as it easily absorbs the paint and does not let it bleed to the ground. Avoid using plastic sheets as paint can easily slip off of it.

Tip #3: Tape Fixtures
Cover the bulbs with plastic bags and tape them. As for any old water stains, spray the areas with a stain killer.


Tip #1: Sanding
Use a sanding sponge to roughen the hard and smooth surfaces. Sanding also removes all the bumps form the previous paint job so that the new coating is applied smoothly. The roughened surfaces help the paint adhere better.

Tip #2: Fill the Dents and Cracks
Instead of using tape to fill the cracks, use plaster of Paris or painter putty. These two materials stick faster than tape.

Tip #3: Caulk the Cracks
Use caulk to seal the gaps between the doors to have a clean finish. Instead of using the caulk directly, buy a caulk gun with a thin nozzle so that you can stick the nozzle in the gaps.

Tip #4: Use a Primer
A primer is a diluted alcohol paint solution that covers all the bad marks. It helps the paint to bond with the wall.


Tip #1: Roller Rules
Use a nine inch roller for painting the walls. A roller size bigger than this will be hard to handle and may create stray lines due to a wobbly hand. Before you start painting, wash your roller in the dish washing liquid to get rid of the excess fibers.

Tip #2: Buy Glossy Paints
Compared to flat paints, glossy paints are stain resistant and require less maintenance. The walls can be cleaned easily with a sponge due to their slippery surface.

Tip #3: Buy Paint Extender
Professionals apply at least two paint coats on every wall. A paint extender dries slower so you get more time to apply the second paint coat without any ugly lap marks.

Tip #4: Use a Scraper
The key to smooth lines is to finish one wall and then scrape the corners with a screw driver. This will give you a line where the roller cannot reach and you can finish the corners with a paint brush.

If this is just too much for you, be sure to reach out to the pros at Rhino Commercial Painting Company.

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